The procedure for providing donation has been changed
The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 01.07.2005 No. 300 "On the provision and use of donation" has been amended and set out in a new edition by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 112 dated 27.03.2024.
Among novations in regulation:
- types of donation are supplemented with tokens and electronic money, however, a certain procedure for their use by the recipient is established (tokens – only after their alienation, electronic money – after repayment with monetary funds credited to the recipient's account);
- the list of purposes for providing donation has been expanded;
among new purposes:
- reimbursement of expenses related to the maintenance and rental of industrial buildings and premises, landscaping;
- support for individuals and families in difficult life situations; at the same time, sponsors are given the right to determine the specified categories of persons/families;
- support for public organizations, associations/unions (previously, purposes included only support for religious organizations of the Republic of Belarus);
public organizations can use monetary funds received for these purposes for administrative and economic expenses, wages, and other payments provided by law to their employees;
- accumulation by public organizations of donation for further provision;
- the consequences of violating the procedure for providing donation have been changed; providing donation for other purposes is not prohibited and entails the return of donation to the sponsor in full (except for separately established "prohibited" purposes);
- a number of terms are defined, including:
- creation and (or) strengthening of the recipient's material and technical base,
- administrative and economic expenses,
- difficult life situation (a broader definition than in the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Social Services")
The Decree comes into force on 30.09.2024.